3.16.1. Ad hoc sink particles

To allow testing, one can create ad hoc sink particles, using namelist entries similar to:

&sink_patch_params      verbose=2 on=t n_ad_hoc=2 /
&sink_params            x=0.52 y=0.52 z=0.52 vx=0.1 mass=1 /
&sink_params            x=0.48 y=0.48 z=0.48 vx=0.2 mass=1 /

Whereas sink particles normally are created and added to the task list by one of the refinement criteria, the ad hoc particles are created after the task list with normal MHD patches has been created, via a call from extras_t%init_task_list, which gets called once for every patch, just before updates of the task list start.

The call has the current task list as an argument, which makes it possible to append the new tasks, corresponding to the ad hoc sink particles.