3.15.2. Task list manipulation

The task list is first constructed by the component/ procedure setting up the arrangements of MHD tasks. In the common case with a Cartesian arrangements of patch_t tasks, the relevant file is components/cartesisan_mod.f90. The sequence of calls that happen are::

!  task_list%init
!    experiment_t%init
!    task_list%append (experiment)

which results in a global task_list containing only the exeperiment tasks, which in this case are solver_t tasks, where the task structure has been extended in extras_t%init with a solver_t%rt RT task, which in turn has extended itself with a set of ´solver_t%rt%omega(:)` tasks, one for each ray direction. These extra tasks are referred to as “RT sub-tasks”, and have not yet been added to the task list, since cartesian_t%init() only adds the experiment_t tasks (cf. above).

To give all tasks access to the task list, before calling the specific dispatcher_t%method() the dispatcher_t%excute procedures calls each task with:

!call task%init_task_list (task_list)

This provides the opportunity to add additional tasks to the tasks list (to avoid a potential recursive disaster the new tasks are prepended rather than appended). In the RT case, the rt_t%init_task_list(self,task_list) is first adds the RT sub-tasks to the task list and then sets up the proper nbor relations between the new tasks and the already existing MHD tasks.